Additional Services


  • Interm IT anti-virus is rated top in independent tests
  • Fully managed cloud-based antivirus solution
  • Protects computers off site as well as on your network

Remote Back-up

  • Automated encrypted remote back-up
  • Back-up Office 365 or Google – to ensure DR compliance
  • Remote back-ups held in the UK at secure world-class locations


  • Fully managed connectivity services and broadband to enhance digital learning in UK schools
  • Hassle-free switch
  • Fully-managed, secure connection you can trust to always be on


  • We help make GDPR part of your safeguarding process
  • European countries recommended that schools have external DPO as there is no conflict of interest
  • All our data protection officers are qualified GDPR practitioners
  • Able to implement ISO 27001
  • Various packages available depending on your requirements

additional IT services for schools

Other services

  • Virtualisation: cost savings of thousands over 5 years
  • Disaster recovery: complete service
  • Connectivity: Interm has led the way towards unlocking the perceived monopoly of broadband services by local authorities
  • Site security: CCTV, door entry and gate automation
  • Website security: security certificates for websites and remote access
  • Document imaging: save up to 98% of storage space

Ladbrooke JMI

Our technician is highly flexible and patient, and the support from the helpdesk is very effective.

Why choose us?

When you choose Interm IT you are inviting a new member into your school family. We bring a wealth of knowledge and experience – from not just your consultant but a whole team working together to support you and your systems to embed technology effortlessly into your everyday teaching, learning and working life.

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